Care Tips When Traveling With Pets

If you’re planning on traveling for a long period of time, it may be a good idea to take your pet with you rather than kenneling or boarding them, which can get very pricey. However, you will have to make certain adjustments so that your furry friend can make an easy transition from home life to traveling life. Here are some tips to care for pets while taking them on your traveling adventures:

1) Plan ahead, whether you will be in an RV going camping or driving from city to city on a national tour, be sure to check where the nearest pet hospitals are, and plan your routes accordingly.

2) Bring something familiar from home, like the same bed/crate, the usual food and toys, etc. Animals don’t usually like to have their way of living to be interrupted, and bringing a bit of home with them on the trip will soothe and relax them.

3) Take your pet for a full checkup before you leave, and make sure that they are current on all immunizations. If your pet does not already have a tracking microchip implanted, make sure that they get one, in the event that they get lost.

4) Be sure to give your pet their space, so that they can feel they have their own little territory and can adjust. Make sure they stay hydrated with fresh bottled water, and also double check to see that their crate is in a safe place and will not be tumbled by bumps in the road.

Do all of this and plan ahead accordingly and you should have a stress-free travel adventure with your furry friend!

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