Getting’ Hitched at a Michigan Family Vacation Destination
- February 18, 2008
- GuestQuest Archives, Michigan Hotels and Motels, Michigan Lodging
- Posted by GQ Admin
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As GuestQuest noted in our previous post, the shape of Michigan is reminiscent of a glove. No biggie, right? But contained in the word “glove” is the word “love”… so what better place than at one of those terrific Michigan hotels to get married?
In all seriousness, if you’re preparing to get hitched in the gorgeous state of Michigan, you need to keep in mind all the legal “stuff” that goes with getting a marriage license. Here, we’ve compiled a few tidbits of information to help get you started on your path to a beautiful partnership:
If you’re not from Michigan, you’ll need to pay an extra $10 for your marriage license.
Bring along an official ID if you’re getting betrothed at one of the many Michigan lodging and resort spots. Oh, and don’t forget your birth certificate (the original or a certified copy).
Like Pennsylvania (see two posts ago), there’s a three day waiting period for a marriage license in Michigan. Still, don’t let that stop you from having your special day in this special state. Instead, come to your Michigan lodging facility a few days early and get everything planned.
Interestingly enough, Michigan has approved the notion of “secret” marriages. Of course, in the age of the Internet, such a type of marriage might not be feasible (one text message gets out and the whole mystery is blown). But if this interests you, it might be something to investigate!
Okay, okay… so we hear what you’re telling us: “Sure, the United States is beautiful. But we want to go somewhere exotic to exchange vows!” That’s exactly why GuestQuest is going to talk about the Caribbean as a wedding location next!