How to Salvage Your Best Family Vacations When Sickness Rears Its Head

sickWe’ve all had it happen – illness during a family vacation getaway. Maybe it starts with a sniffle. Maybe it starts with a headache. But it ends in the same place – aggravation.

Fear not, weary travelers. There are ways to salvage your best family vacations, even when germs attempt to sabotage your good time!

Plan Ahead

A week or two before your trip to your Florida vacation condo or Georgia lodging, start loading up on Vitamin C and getting some rest. It may be tough, but in the end it will make your body stronger and healthier; that way, you’ll be less likely to get a cold.

Take Precautions

If you’re prone to allergies or seasonal colds, take some over-the-counter or prescription medications with you to your family vacation spot. Obviously, you don’t want to travel with a whole pharmacy; however, it’s never a bad idea to be prepared with a few essentials such as ibuprofen and cough drops.

Sleep Tight

Should you fall prey to a bug, try to get as much sleep as you can. Sure, you might “lose” day one of your week-long trip to Kentucky, but that’s okay. It’s better than missing out on your entire family vacation getaway!

Call in Back-up

Make sure you know the phone number for your physician(s) at home, just in case you’re on the road and need their advice. Many doctors who are familiar with you will even call in prescriptions to local drugstores if you’re out of town.

Fun family vacations while feeling a bit under-the-weather can still be had with a little planning.

Keep visiting GuestQuest’s blog for more travel tips and tidbits!

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