Edgar Cayce called the “Sleeping Prophet,” and the “Father of Holistic Medicine,” was born in Christian County, Kentucky, in 1877. It was in Hopkinsville, the formative years of his life, which this native son developed his remarkable psychic talents and embarked upon a lifetime of service to God and to mankind. From the first psychic reading given in Hopkinsville in 1901 until his last at Virginia Beach, Edgar Cayce gave 14,256 clairvoyant medical and life readings. Edgar Cayce is buried in Riverside Cemetery in Hopkinsville, Kentucky.

Visit the many Edgar Cayce sites in Hopkinsville. Come follow the ancient path of our labyrinth at Grace Commons to aid in prayer and meditation.

Walk the footsteps of the Cherokee Indians on the Trail of Tears, golf the championship Links at Novadell, scavenger dive to find underwater treasures, soak up a host of natural wonders at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park, splash in the Tie Breaker Family Aquatic [...]

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