Who Says a Business Trip and Your Best Family Vacation Can't Mix?

Shhh… there’s a huge secret that entrepreneurs have known for quite some time: Business trips and family holidays can mix!

However, it’s important to know where to draw the line during your trip so you can experience the best family vacation possible without jeopardizing yourself from a career standpoint.

First, understand that if you’re commingling business and pleasure, it’s critical to delineate which is which.

This means if you’re heading to a nice beach to have drinks with a potential client, your loved ones should probably be sightseeing or hanging out at your Florida vacation condo, not tagging along. Likewise, if your Michigan family vacation has business overtones, make sure you aren’t crossing any boundaries. (In other words, keep the kids far from the customers unless and until they invite them to join you!)

Next, make sure that your travel companions understand that you won’t be able to be with them the entire time you’re on your family vacation getaway.

After all, you’re going to be “on the clock”, so to speak. That means they’ll need to be flexible and independent — and for some spouses, relatives, and friends, doing so can be tough at first, especially if they’re jealous of your time spent handling work. Explain that without your job, however, the trip wouldn’t have ever happened… that usually gets the point across in a tactful but kind way!

Finally, make sure that you give yourself permission to PLAY.

Often, we’re so enmeshed in “business mode” that we forget to have a little fun, too. You’re traveling in order to complete some assignments -and- experience your best family vacation ever! So let your hair down and take off that suit and/or tie. Be a tourist and not a business person for a little while. Your reports and phone calls will wait for you. We promise.

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