How to Lose Weight on Your Fun Family Vacations

For far too many people, coming back from their fun family vacations means having a rude awakening with The Scale.

In fact, plenty of individuals find themselves bringing home extra “souvenirs” from their (otherwise) best family vacations – pounds of unwanted fat.

If you tend to add girth to your middle or inches to your thighs during your family vacation getaway experiences, take heart. There are absolutely plenty of ways to lose weight during your trip without feeling like you’re “working out”. Here’s how!

1. Choose An Efficiency or Rental Home

Heading to one of those fine Alabama hotels? See if the one you have in mind offers efficiency suites.

When you’re given a place to store and prepare food, it makes it easier to cook healthy, nutritious meals. And shopping in a different grocery store can actually be kind of fun – you’ll find out where all those residents of your fave family vacation destination go for the freshest grapes or ripest tomatoes.

2. Hoof It

Don’t be lazy!

During your next family vacation getaway, eschew the car, bus, train, tram or trolley and use your feet for transportation whenever possible. You can even buy a cheapo pedometer to measure your footsteps. (Just for fun, see who in your family walks the farthest in a day and offer a lowfat prize to the winner!)

3. Drink Light

For many individuals, family beach vacations are an excuse to imbibe adult beverages by the cases. Unfortunately, all that sugar and alcohol doesn’t do much good once it’s in your body and circulating throughout your organs.

If you must drink, be sure to sip your beer or wine slowly so as not to overfill. Inebriation can quickly lead to overeating – when you’re a little fuzzy in the head, a whole pizza may seem like the perfect candidate for a midnight snack as you’re lounging seaside at your Georgia lodging.

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