So you’re a procrastinator?

Well, you’re not alone. According to a survey by Pies Steel (an HR prof at the University of Calgary), a whopping 95% of individuals admit to procrastinating. However, contrary to popular belief, you can snag last-minute fun family vacation deals. Here’s how to prepare for a trip with less than two weeks (that’s fourteen short days, folks) before “lift off”…

Days 1-2: Pick Your Destination

Of course, we suggest you jump over to GuestQuest to pick a family vacation destination, but if you’d rather do a Google search, that’s your prerogative. Generally, if you are planning your vacation with less than a month before traveling, it’s best to choose a locale that won’t require you to get special shots or fill out tremendous amounts of paperwork.

Days 3-5: Get on the Phone

It’s time to play The Negotiator, a la William Shatner. Once you’ve looked through all your vacation guides and [...]

Just for fun, our last two posts contemplated ways to arrange for your best family vacation ever according to your astrological sign. So let’s delve into another unconventional planning possibility this week on our GuestQuest blog:

  • Figuring out WHEN to go on vacation depending upon your biorhythms.

“What in blue blazes are biorhythms?”

We’re glad you asked!

The theory behind biorhythms says that every person has cyclical “ups” and “downs” and that these can be predicted. Typically, the primary biorhythms discussed are those governing intelligence, physical ability, and emotions; however, there are supposedly secondary (and possibly tertiary) biorhythms as well.

These biorhythms can be predicted based on your date of birth. Each biorhythm has its own cycle – the intellectual one is every 33 days; the physical one each 23 days; and the emotional every 28 days. Occasionally, they all peak… or tank… together.

“So what does this have to [...]

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