Travel Tips: Taking Pets on Vacation, Part I

Do you love your four-footed friend? Then you might want to take Spot, Bear, Fuzzers or Fluffy with you to your next family vacation destination. However, bringing your fur-baby to a family vacation getaway requires more planning and forethought than you might think.

In part I of our 4-part Travel Tips: Taking Pets on Vacation series, we’ll look at how to plan for Fido’s Big Adventure.

1. Pick a Pet-Friendly Family Vacation Spot

Seems obvious, right? But many people forget that dogs, cats and exotic animals (e.g. snakes, pot-bellied pigs) aren’t going to necessarily have tons of fun if you pick a family vacation destination that’s boring for them.

For instance, most dogs want to walk and run; therefore, a high rise condominium that allows pets but is located in an area with very little grassy space won’t be the best choice. Remember that you have to think everything through from your little four-legged friend’s point of view.

2. Make Sure Your Pet Travels Well

This is a travel tip that many people forget. There are actually dogs and cats that travel poorly; some become overly anxious and others may experience painful nausea. Sure, you may feel that it’s worth it to take your pooch or kitty to the mountains, but if he or she is going to be miserable on the ride or plane trip there, is it the right thing to do?

As the human in charge of the vacation planning, ask yourself some tough questions about benefits versus potential problems. Your little Fuzzball may actually have less panic about staying at home and being looked after by a “pet sitter” than you think.

3. Get Your Pet Checked by the Vet

A month or so before your big excursion, take your travel companion to the vet for a complete check-up. Not only is this a pragmatic practice, up to date vet papers are also required by some family vacation spots that allow pets.

Next up, GuestQuest will talk about what to do during the actual travel portion of your trip…

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