What Not to Do When You See a Celebrity During Your Family Vacation Getaway

It’s like a dream. You’re relaxing on the beach at your family vacation destination and THERE HE IS! The superstar you love! The Hollywood glam queen whose show you never miss! You’re stunned… then you realize that if you want to do something, now is the time to take action.

Hold on there, partner.

Before your “diva” makes a getaway, remind yourself that there are several rules regarding how to deal with celebs you see while you’re on a trip. Follow them, and you’ll have a much better chance of taking home a great story from your best family vacation!

1. If the Star is Filming, Stand Back

Unless you’ve been asked to be part of a “crowd scene”, stay away from the star. You may have an opportunity later to ask him or her to sign your travel magazine (hey, what else do you have handy while at the beach or boardwalk?), but you’ll only irritate producers, directors and filming crews if you interrupt.

2. Don’t Act Like a Stalker

It’s probably unwise to gush about how you’ve seen every movie your Holly-crush has been in, decorated your walls with his image, Google his name every day, follow his every move using GPS… Even if you’re just rambling, he won’t know it. And he’ll be thinking, “I’m not coming to this family vacation spot again!”

3. Don’t Talk Too Long

If you want an autograph or just to say hi, do so and then go about your business. Remember that the celebrity is probably at the same family vacation spot as you for a logical reason — to take a break! Unless he or she invites you to talk longer, be respectful.

Have other ideas for people who see celebs on vacation? Share them with GuestQuest today!

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