Do you love your four-footed friend? Then you might want to take Spot, Bear, Fuzzers or Fluffy with you to your next family vacation destination. However, bringing your fur-baby to a family vacation getaway requires more planning and forethought than you might think.

In part I of our 4-part Travel Tips: Taking Pets on Vacation series, we’ll look at how to plan for Fido’s Big Adventure.

1. Pick a Pet-Friendly Family Vacation Spot

Seems obvious, right? But many people forget that dogs, cats and exotic animals (e.g. snakes, pot-bellied pigs) aren’t going to necessarily have tons of fun if you pick a family vacation destination that’s boring for them.

For instance, most dogs want to walk and run; therefore, a high rise condominium that allows pets but is located in an area with very little grassy space won’t be the best choice. Remember that you have to think everything through from your little four-legged friend’s [...]

It’s like a dream. You’re relaxing on the beach at your family vacation destination and THERE HE IS! The superstar you love! The Hollywood glam queen whose show you never miss! You’re stunned… then you realize that if you want to do something, now is the time to take action.

Hold on there, partner.

Before your “diva” makes a getaway, remind yourself that there are several rules regarding how to deal with celebs you see while you’re on a trip. Follow them, and you’ll have a much better chance of taking home a great story from your best family vacation!

1. If the Star is Filming, Stand Back

Unless you’ve been asked to be part of a “crowd scene”, stay away from the star. You may have an opportunity later to ask him or her to sign your travel magazine (hey, what else do you have handy while at the beach or boardwalk?), but you’ll [...]

If you’re a packrat, you know it. You’ve come to terms with it. But that doesn’t mean your traveling companions will like it when you lug everything under the sun to… and from… your family vacation spot.

Here are some ways that you, as a card-carrying member of the sometimes-irritating (but ultimately lovable) packrat community, can curb your appetite for clutter while at some of the best family vacation spots on the planet.

1. Have someone else pack for you

Now, don’t freak out. Seriously consider this as a viable travel tip. After all, you know very well that if you’re packing your duds for a week at one of those wonderful Delaware condominiums, you’re likely to throw too much together. So why not allow someone else to pack on your behalf?

Just make sure that you let him or her know of things that you absolutely need, like medications. But don’t dictate how many [...]


This is a post directed to all those teens out there who want to have the best family vacation this summer but are worried about how to do that AND get along with nagging parents, annoying siblings and visits to museums of natural boredom.

There IS a way to make sure you don’t fall asleep for the whole time you’re at your Tennessee log cabin or South Carolina resort.

Travel Tips for Teens #1: Play Along

Okay, so your dad really wants to go to some old house that was built about nine million years ago and you could care less. You COULD mope and groan and make everyone miserable… but that wouldn’t get you anywhere. Instead, play along with your dad’s big adventure. Ironically, if you think positively, you’re more likely to enjoy the family vacation getaway, even as you’re hearing a tour guide say “antique” for about the fiftieth time.

Travel Tips [...]

sickWe’ve all had it happen – illness during a family vacation getaway. Maybe it starts with a sniffle. Maybe it starts with a headache. But it ends in the same place – aggravation.

Fear not, weary travelers. There are ways to salvage your best family vacations, even when germs attempt to sabotage your good time!

Plan Ahead

A week or two before your trip to your Florida vacation condo or Georgia lodging, start loading up on Vitamin C and getting some rest. It may be tough, but in the end it will make your body stronger and healthier; that way, you’ll be less likely to get a cold.

Take Precautions

If you’re prone to allergies or seasonal colds, take some over-the-counter or prescription medications with you to your family vacation spot. Obviously, you don’t want to travel with a whole pharmacy; however, it’s never a bad [...]

You hear it calling you – Florida. It’s one of the most popular family vacation destinations in the United States, but did you know that even in this travelers’ mecca there are some bizarre laws on the books?

A few of the more notable headshakers are listed below, courtesy of the researchers at GuestQuest. Enjoy!

  • When you’re at your Florida vacation condo or other Florida lodging, you may be tempted to get a hair trim and color. But watch out if you’re put under the hair dryer! Women who fall asleep while their tresses are being heated can be fined. (The salon owner can be fined, too!)
  • Please don’t bring your elephant along to your Florida family vacation destination. Really, he’ll just cause trouble. See, if you leave Dumbo tied to a parking meter, you’ll be required to pay the parking fee. [...]

Homework… ugggh, right?

Most people recoil at the thought of researching anything, but when it comes to planning your best family vacations, it’s an essential element.

And, best of all, it can honestly be enjoyable!

You see, what most people forget is that half (at least) of the excitement of a family vacation is in working through all the details. Sure, it can be time-consuming, but as long as you’re doing it together, it can also be a wonderful time spent as a family.

Here are some great ways to get you started to making your family vacation homework a blast!

1. Give Everyone Something to Do!

Even little ones can help plan the next family vacation getaway by looking through vacation guides and travel magazines. If they can’t read yet, they can at least point to pictures of beaches, forests, snow-capped mountains, anything that catches [...]

Okay. You have your heart set on a summer vacation at any of those posh, quaint, exquisite Vermont resorts. And you’d LOVE to receive reservations from your sweetie as a holiday gift that you’ll both treasure.

There’s just one problem.

He (or she) hasn’t a clue that you want this Vermont trip. Not an inkling.

In fact, s/he seems to be completely oblivious to your trip-taking desires!

At times like these, allow good old vacation guides to come to your rescue! By strategically using them, you can be assured of the present of your dreams…

Here, we’ll look at a few awesome ways to leave hints for your special someone without seeming overbearing:

– Place vacation guides and a travel magazine or two in the bathroom, bedroom and/or living room as (hint, hint) “reading material”.

– Make sure that vacation guides around your house are turned to pages featuring family vacation spots you’d adore.

– [...]

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